What the hell. Worst movie ever...I would rather listen to pop music and pull my own hair out than sit through this again. I lost countless Brain cells watching this....it was nothing but horrible 90 s references. I had to start drinking in order to make it through without wanting to kill myself. Don't watch it for the love of god or Satan depending on who you prefer... The only good part the the first two minutes. Seriously the people who loved this have no brains....which unfortunately when the zombies come they will be the only survivors which makes me sad because then there will be more crap like this created but at the same time I will be dead because I have a brain and hated this shitty movie that had no creative humor. It just used every imaginable flashback humor from a time we should all forget because that time sucked. Let's move on and be creative.
With love, The demon
With love, The demon