This documentary follows three families in Massachusetts as they prepare for incredibly elaborate lawn displays for Halloween. There is no narration--just shots of the various folks working and talking to the camera about their obsession to perfect their haunted houses and lawn displays. Much of it is a bit slow, but there also is a certain oddness that makes it watchable.
As I watched the film, I sure wondered about the mental states of these people and their lives. They clearly have issues and you wonder about the long-term effects on these guy's families--as well as so much stress that at several of these guys clearly are NOT enjoying this process. It's not really a's an all-consuming obsession. And, as such, would be an interesting film to show a psychology class. However, for the average viewer this might just be a case of too much. Because the film is so long, it does drag a bit and might put off some due to this. Still, it's worth a look.
As I watched the film, I sure wondered about the mental states of these people and their lives. They clearly have issues and you wonder about the long-term effects on these guy's families--as well as so much stress that at several of these guys clearly are NOT enjoying this process. It's not really a's an all-consuming obsession. And, as such, would be an interesting film to show a psychology class. However, for the average viewer this might just be a case of too much. Because the film is so long, it does drag a bit and might put off some due to this. Still, it's worth a look.