Review of The Vow

The Vow (2012)
Ultimately a depressing and spirit-killing rag of a movie.
26 April 2012
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Warning: Spoilers
The movie is blah and pretty boring. There is zero chemistry between the stars. The set director seems to think messy is what an authentic apartment in the city looks like and the whoever was in charge of wardrobe should be made to wear those hideous outfits for the next year.

The only reason this didn't get a one from me is that it really does capture that "hometown in the big city" essence of some of the neighborhoods in Chicago.

The following contains general spoilers, not specifics.

What really turned me off about this movie was that anyone thought this story was inspiring enough to put it on screen. I was shocked when I found out it was based proudly on a real story. Let me tell you I would not want to know the woman who was the inspiration for Paige.

The movie portrayed Paige after the accident, but they don't really show us much of what she as like before the accident. The few glimpses give us the impression that she was a woman who loved life and honored the bond of marriage. I don't buy it. Losing your memory may change things, but, it does not change your underlying personality. Paige didn't turn into a selfish, uncaring _itch. She probably always was one.

A decent woman would have put some effort into recovering her marriage and would have, at the very least, had some respect for the man she was married to. This woman didn't care that she was ripping this poor man's heart out. She cared for no one but herself. At least as far as the movie was concerned, she never gave much thought to anyone but herself. She was, after all, not the only one who was going through a traumatic, life-changing experience and she was not the only one injured in the car crash. If this story is actually true, my heart goes to the woman's real family.

This should never have been immortalized in film. It is the very epitome of the "me" generation.

The best part of the movie for me was when the end credits finally started rolling so we could leave.

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