Highly entertaining film with the marvelous Alison Skipworthh
23 May 2012
I first saw Alison Skipworth in the movie Madame Racketeer, an absolutely delightful film. While this one was not quite as good that, it still was highly entertaining thanks to such a strong supporting cast especially Treacher (playing as ever, an upper crust English butler type) and Hymer as a couple of lovable scam artists. The plot is silly, of course – Amelia Blake (Skipworth), an elderly and poor English woman hasn't seen her son for several years receives a small inheritance from a former employer and decides to visit her son who lives in California. The thing is the son, wanting to spare his mother, told her that he owned a ranch call Ranchero San Quentin. She meets Judith Martin (Clarke) and a crook promising to drive them to California scams both of them. Neither of them has any money so they start hitch hiking and soon meet up with Jimmy Peyton (Ellison) who is traveling the country in a trailer. The Treacher and Hymer characters hide out in the trailer and the group continues on its way with an interesting interlude at a camp of dispossessed families on their way to California hoping to find work. The group bands together with the goal of keeping Mrs. Blake from finding out that her son is actually in prison. Netflix has a beautiful print of this and it is worth seeking it out.
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