This was formerly a 1965 Japanese cartoon, "Wonder Three". Names were all distinctly different between these two versions. As both writers write: Bonnie=Bunny Ronnie=Horse Zero=Duck
Bonnie was white with black tipped ears, and if retro-colored (it was B&W) no doubt that Zero would be a green mallard duck (he had a Daffy like ring), and Ronnie would be orange/brown. Character design of the humans was pretty much the same as the other anime/manga cartoons of the sixties, as far as eyes are concerned. The characters, in the open credits especially, were really cartoony, in the scene where they're transformed. Recommend....!! "Bonnie Bunny...and Pony Ronnie laughed when Zero, had no luck..and became a duck"!LOL Classic..I'm the same age as the first poster (lots of time between these three posts, huh?) and second, I think, and saw this in 1967, when "Erika Film Productions,Inc." dubbed and sent this here. From the same folks that brought you Kimba and Gigantor.
Bonnie was white with black tipped ears, and if retro-colored (it was B&W) no doubt that Zero would be a green mallard duck (he had a Daffy like ring), and Ronnie would be orange/brown. Character design of the humans was pretty much the same as the other anime/manga cartoons of the sixties, as far as eyes are concerned. The characters, in the open credits especially, were really cartoony, in the scene where they're transformed. Recommend....!! "Bonnie Bunny...and Pony Ronnie laughed when Zero, had no luck..and became a duck"!LOL Classic..I'm the same age as the first poster (lots of time between these three posts, huh?) and second, I think, and saw this in 1967, when "Erika Film Productions,Inc." dubbed and sent this here. From the same folks that brought you Kimba and Gigantor.