Review of The Fighter

The Fighter (2008)
Asked hubby to rent the Mark Wahlberg movie by this title and he got this instead
15 June 2012
Don't make the same mistake my husband did. I heard that "The Fighter" was a great movie and had won Oscars so I wanted to see it and asked him to rent it. He didn't know anything about the movie so he brought home this instead. At the start of the movie before I realized the mistake, I told him that this movie had won Oscars. After the first five minutes of really terrible acting, he said "are you sure this has won awards? This acting is really terrible." This is actually really hilariously bad and we were cracking up while watching it, but maybe we were just laughing about the absurdity of this SO NOT being the Mark Wahlberg/Christian Bale movie by this title. This has terrible acting, over-the-top melodrama, cheesy fake Italian accents (which are apparently supposed to be Mexican instead?), "Mexican" characters who don't look Mexican at all, a creepy stalker of a nurse who follows the main character everywhere for no apparent reason and may or may not be a love interest, laughable fight scenes in which the crowd members are wearing the same clothes in fights on different days, plot holes galore and ridiculous coincidences. It would be giving this movie way too much credit to call it a B-movie. And did I mention the bad acting? If what you really wanted to watch was the Marky Mark version of "The Fighter," you will be sorely disappointed if you end up with this version instead. I'm giving it two stars instead of only one because this was actually so bad it was funny.
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