Offbeat for Flynn and most of cast
22 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are things I like about this film, and things I don't like.

On the plus side, it's a very different kind of film, particularly for the likes of Errol Flynn, Ida Lupino, and Gig Young...perhaps not quite so different for Eleanor Parker. Those who were used to Errol Flynn the swashbuckler, must have been rather taken aback when they viewed this film at the local theater. And, it's a little bit different take than the typical story about the lover who is irresponsible and emotionally cruel to their mate(s).

On the negative side, I really dislike the ending. Really dislike the ending. Really! I noted that another reviewer mentioned this was low budget. Well, that actually seemed to vary throughout the movie. In the opening scenes that were supposed to be Venice, it was pretty convincing. Then the scenes in the forest -- cheap, cheap, cheap (and that's not the sounds of birds). And some of the scenes filmed against a back projection were quite chintzy, as well.

Flynn plays his role well here, though overall, it's a pretty unflattering role for him. And, the wrinkles in his forehead that were so evident by 1950, still aren't there in this film (it must have been a wicked 3 years in between). And, this is one of the few roles in which I actually liked Ida Lupino. More diverse a performance than I typically see her in. And, thank goodness to see Gig Young in a role where he's not a sappy "other man", such as in his later roles in Doris Day-type films. Eleanor Parker is so young here, I'm not so sure I would have recognized her were it not for her billing.

This film is offbeat enough that I can see why it was a flop. And, I doubt it will grace many DVD shelves. And, the print that is shown on TCM is not very crisp, but I think that's less the photography than the maintenance of the 65+ year old film.

Worth a watch...at least once. Now I'm in the mood for "Santa Fe Trail".
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