Great Cast Bring Innocent Tale to Life
2 July 2012
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Teenager love birds Sam (Jared Gilman) and Suzy (Kara Hayward) run away from their homes to find a better life together but soon a search party is out looking for them. Wes Anderson's latest picture is quite a gem because it's been a very long time since a film has captured the innocence and beauty of young love. Now this certainly isn't a love story but then again the film is so original that it really doesn't fit into any one genre. There's the love stuff but also plenty of great comedy and best of all are the terrific performances from the entire cast, many of which haven't done this good of work in years. Anderson and Roman Coppola's screenplay is so simple yet so beautiful and innocent that it's nearly impossible not to get caught up in this crazy world. The visual style of Anderson is certainly on full display as is the weird and surreal atmosphere that really makes you feel as if you're seeing some sci-fi movie because it just appears to be a different universe than anything you've seen or known. At just 84-minutes without the end credits, there's really no filler or scenes that don't belong. This is a very tight ship that tells its story, gets the characters developed and then moves on. Both Gilman and Hayward are terrific in the roles of the young lovers and it's easy to see that they've both got a great talent and Anderson exploits every bit of it. The comic touch by the two was very impressive and they fit Anderson's world perfectly. Frances McDormand and Bill Murray are both extremely funny as the girl's parents and especially Murray who can play weird like no one else. Edward Norton turns in his best work in years as the scout leader and we even get a strong bit by Tilda Swinton. Harvey Keitel pops up towards the end and it's always great seeing him. Bruce Willis is the one that really jumps off the screen. I remember PULP FICTION brought him back to life in regards to showing he could "act" and didn't have to always play Bruce Willis and this film proves the same. Willis is extremely good, funny and at times touching in his part and it was great to see him acting again. MOONRISE KINGDOM isn't going to be a film for those seeking brainless action but those who want something more are bound to be entertained.
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