Party Down (2009–2023)
Really funny
4 July 2012
'Party Down' is a great show, it's a shame that it has such a small number of fans and that no one really watched it.

The acting is great; the cast work perfectly with each other. The little mini stories between characters in the show are hilarious, particularly the rivalry between Roman and Kyle.

The script is really funny; the scenarios get more and more ridiculous as the series goes on but it doesn't stop getting funny. Sometimes the ending of an episode can be a bit predictable but it still makes you laugh.

The plot is basically about a group of wannabe actors and writers who can't seem to become successful and work as waiters for a catering business to make money. They are rarely shown working, casually drink and take drugs on the job and argue with each other constantly. The plot seems so simple yet it is brilliant and works perfectly.

If you have not watched this series yet I would strongly suggest you do so. You may be familiar with some of the actors; Lizzy Caplan, Adam Scott and Jane Lynch with some guest stars featuring throughout the series.
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