Hi, I just saw this movie right now and that was wonderful to me! I can offer to all people, 'cause maybe not believe God like me, but can believe one man can help for the others! If every 10th people can thinking like Sam Childers our world be changing! Right now, right here is the point of thinking about our life! What we have and why we have and what we need exactly! 'cause I see many many people have more than what they need it, but always want more and more. They can't thinking about the other people who need food, who need water, who need love who need family! This movie give to me absolutely CATHARSIS! But than I saw box office from this film and I'm very worry and angry! Because here is the real story what can be touch the people hearts and in US on the opening weekend just F..king 4 screens can be watched? This is really? How or why doesn't interesting this movie for Americans nation? Why this people doesn't care what happens and still happening until today in Sudan or anywhere in Africa! Than I feel just like all Americans don't want to help for other poor people for orphan children to get a food or to getting future! Absolutely simply how you can help: just buy a ticket to this move and I think Sam Childers getting donations from the gross of this film, or you can checking out contact with their account number and send couple of $ for help to them! That's it! Hey Americans! You have to open your eyes and see what happen over your stupid "Terrorist" war! (or maybe this side of the world not interesting 'cause there is no OIL or Diamond or Ivory? Or that's real what I have heard: Americans don't have sympathy with other nations! So if you want to see very wonderful film about love, helpfulness, sympathy, self-sacrifice, fight for children, spiritual liberation. Than you have to watch this movie! Gerard Butler acting is awesome, but Michelle Monaghan and Madeline Carol or Souleymane Sy Savane also very good and powerful. I liked the story, directing and pictures too which was very sensitive.
Please don't be afraid, just go to one cinema or buy on DVD or buy their book and give chance to your soul and to the orphan children! 10/10
Please don't be afraid, just go to one cinema or buy on DVD or buy their book and give chance to your soul and to the orphan children! 10/10