Being Flynn (2012)
Lacked the bonding elements
29 January 2013
This is like a realistic portrayal of father and son bonding movie. Except it goes a bit too realistic to make it moving or touching for that matter. I mean it's difficult to see how the bonding can be difficult if the father leaves the family for 18yr without any good reason. But there just wasn't enough intimate moments between the father and the son, maybe just one scene that stood out. And the father Jonathan Flynn(Rober De Niro) is a conceited and detestable guy, he is also a racist. Not a extreme one but still a racist. Anyways he is a failed writer that is fool of himself and has nothing else to do but look down upon society and the people. While his son(Paul Dano) who also wants to be a writer has his life spiraling downward because he feels like nothing and because of his past scars. So he decides to work in a homeless shelter where he meets his father. The movie however lacked the bonding elements and just has the two characters having different perspectives and living different lifestyles although they are both struggling. Like how one is a alcoholic and the other a drug addict. Despite their differences there is one intimate moment between them that really stands out. And it's a shame there isn't more of those scenes in this movie. Paul Dano is good but Robert De Niro is magnificent and he pulls off a character that is detestable but you can't have that much hatred for the guy. It's nice to see De Niro at the top of his game again but the movie as a whole just isn't all that good nor does it pull on the heartstrings all that much.

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