According to Jim (2001–2009)
Unoriginal, Terribly Unfunny and Lame Writing
5 February 2013
Many sitcoms contains this particular stereotypical man; A man who is a fat, sexist, football- loving, mean-spirited idiot. Well, I don't really have anything against that. Just look at Peter Griffin in Family Guy; he may have all those things, but he succeeds to do it funnily and on occasions me may say some smart things or even care about his family a lot. And be nice to his wife, which seems to be the biggest problem in sitcoms. It was after all revealed in an episode that the reason he says so mean things to Lois sometimes is because he has bad self-confidence, and that's rather sweet. What Family Guy has to do with this show? Well, it's a sitcom that's much better, funnier and SMARTER! This show is none of that. Loose, uncreative plot with really boring characters who I've kinda already forgotten about! The show's jokes are bad enough, but the worst thing is that you can't feel for the characters, there's no heart in them, and you especially hate James Belushi's role. You just feel sorry for the writers that they have gotten to work on this s h i t.
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