El Secretario (2011– )
Fresh comedy from Colombia
10 February 2013
I discovered this show learning Egyptian Arabic on you-tube, and the original story and sense of humor was very entertaining. Not only are the scriptwriters playing around a lot with inventive insults and innuendos and slapstick expressionism and overboard, quirky behavior, they also built realistic characters who behave according to consistent psychological patterns, and the plot contains realistic everyday issues and unexpected twists throughout. The two brothers are a laugh, and the degree of their idiocy, humiliation and debauchery knows no bounds, and the rapport with the pet dog just weird. Some characters such as the 3 commercial reps got on my nerves at times, though that could be from the dubbing or the jokes did not translate well from Spanish into Egyptian. This series was also a cultural adventure into the psyche, home and workplace of Bogota and Colombia, and covered many issues from divorce, sexual harassment and co-parenting, to corruption, Alzheimer's, poverty and dysfunctional family/pet relationships.
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