About what I expected. Bad effects & worse acting. The series really needs Betty White again. I say C-
10 February 2013
"You again, do you really want to do this?" Chloe (Friar) has finally decided to relax and go on a trip to a lake with her friends. When they get there they are all having fun until they see one of their friends eaten by a croc. When they find out they are at the wrong lake things go from bad to worse, then they meet Jim Bickerman (Englund). Another sequel, another croc, bad effects and worse acting. I will admit that my expectations were very low because after really when you start a series with Betty White there is no where to go but down. Also this is a SCY/FY channel movie and we all know how good those are. If you have seen the others then you might as well see this one, if you haven't stick with the first one. Overall, about what I expected, no better no worse. I give it a C-.
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