Full disclosure....I am friends with some of the people who were in this movie. I try never to let that cloud by judgment, but hey, we're human! This film is EXACTLY what it's supposed to be....a romp through a landscape of absurd humor, and topless women. I went to the premiere and I laughed so many times through the film that I lost count. The audience was laughing, cheering, clapping, etc. constantly, which is exactly why I would go so see a movie like this.
Is the movie completely ridiculous? Of course it is! But I get the distinct impression that this is exactly what the director was aiming for. There's nothing worse than a film that is unintentionally funny, and this film definitely does NOT try and play it straight.
Of course it has it's flaws. There were some technical issues along the way and some of the comedic elements could have been a little more polished, but this is the world of indie cinema, where budget limitations, location constraints, etc. have a lot to do with the finished product.
The lead actor, Sean Monlar, was hysterical as Richard Titties, a struggling MMA fighter who gets transported to an absurd dimension where he does battle with villain Zeefros, who captures and imprisons women for the sole purpose of making them dance while topless. (Nice work if you can get it). He also has a bizarre obsession with indie film darling Raine Brown, and I can't say I blame him. The lovely and talented Seregon O'Dassey stars as Richard's girlfriend, Cynthia, who is also captured by Zeefros and is forced to.....well, you'll just have to see the film when it's released digitally and on DVD!! Bronson Pinchot lends a familiar face to the cast as a mystical Indian providing advice to Richard Titties along the way.
Overall, this was a fun romp through a completely absurd landscape filled with crazy characters and I enjoyed every minute of it!
Is the movie completely ridiculous? Of course it is! But I get the distinct impression that this is exactly what the director was aiming for. There's nothing worse than a film that is unintentionally funny, and this film definitely does NOT try and play it straight.
Of course it has it's flaws. There were some technical issues along the way and some of the comedic elements could have been a little more polished, but this is the world of indie cinema, where budget limitations, location constraints, etc. have a lot to do with the finished product.
The lead actor, Sean Monlar, was hysterical as Richard Titties, a struggling MMA fighter who gets transported to an absurd dimension where he does battle with villain Zeefros, who captures and imprisons women for the sole purpose of making them dance while topless. (Nice work if you can get it). He also has a bizarre obsession with indie film darling Raine Brown, and I can't say I blame him. The lovely and talented Seregon O'Dassey stars as Richard's girlfriend, Cynthia, who is also captured by Zeefros and is forced to.....well, you'll just have to see the film when it's released digitally and on DVD!! Bronson Pinchot lends a familiar face to the cast as a mystical Indian providing advice to Richard Titties along the way.
Overall, this was a fun romp through a completely absurd landscape filled with crazy characters and I enjoyed every minute of it!