As a former sister missionary, I found "Errand of Angels" to be extremely validating. I loved the honest way the film addressed the true highs and lows of sister missionary life. I found that it captured the essence of what every sister experiences. I served in Argentina, the film is set in Austria, and yet there are so many parallels that I can draw between the two such as not getting along with a companion, going on a splits with someone new and inspiring, finding your own testimony, serving others, finding yourself in awkward discussion moments, caring deeply about those you come in contact with, losing investigators, being part of a conversion and baptism, and even eating everything on your plate, both known and unknown. Aside from the candid storyline, the the film was shot beautifully and creatively. Visually, it's rich, colorful, and effectively highlights locations, while quietly showcasing European scenery. The overall mood and feeling is calm, peaceful, and spiritually centered. A perfect Sunday afternoon movie. My fourteen year old daughter loves to watch this movie on Sundays. She is looking forward to serving a mission when she is of age and we discuss the way the film portrays a mission as a challenging yet ultimately rewarding experience. I feel that it is important for young sisters to realize that a mission isn't an exotic vacation but an intense learning period full of personal trials to help you grow into the person you can become. I believe that "Errand of Angels" depicts that concept in a very heartfelt and humble way. I am grateful for a film that substantiates the worth of dedicating eighteen months to the Lord.