Unlike Dracula...this movie does not suck
20 March 2013
Mel Brooks, a 85-year old American director and producer genius. He has made many a good movie. He is the king of spoofs. I could write many pages just about how great he is, but I'm not going to, for your sake.

This movie was a delight to watch in the time of all hallows eve. Leslie Nielsen always makes me laugh, whether he has a naked gun, is on an airplane, is the president of the United States of America or something else. He is a treasure. He is just plain awesome. He is gold! Peter MacNicol, Steven Weber and Amy Yasbeck are pretty good too. They sure do a more than decent jobs in this movie.

To finish this I will just say this was a movie well worth watching, I recommend it, it is a good movie to watch especially on Halloween.

I give it 7.5 stars out of a possible perfect 10.

Arrividerci! Bon Soir! Buenos Noches! Good Night and sleep tight ;-)

  • Shevy
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