The Altar Boy Gang (2007– )
this show should be "resurrected"
26 March 2013
I seriously believe that this show should come back, but even if it does, I feel that it won't have the same raw and ironic edge to it. I only wish that they filmed more episodes before it was taken off the air. The 2 episodes that were created were fabulous, giving a whole new perspective of what a altar boy does during his off hours. The reason as to it being taken down was understandable. The content was a little too "honest" and crazy for the catholic religion but it did provide a purpose - to please its viewers, and it did. When I was younger, I remember flipping through the channels when I was at home, stuck in my bedroom, and stopping at this show because of the curly haired boy which I have now discover his name as Sean. I was watching a few minutes of it and it cut to break, and coming back with the title "The Altar Boy Gang" and I knew I was hooked. Not only was it a group of seemingly cute guys on TV, but it was relatable: young catholic kids trying to live their teenage years in a religious environment. Back then I thought it was great and quirky show, adding teen angst and problems into the life of a growing up catholic kid, and I was hungry for more (sadly I was too scared that my parents would find me watching such a "blasphemous" show, so even if there was more, I couldn't watch it until the coast was clear). Today after rediscovering it and re-watching the only 2 episodes it was allowed to produce, my opinions are still strong, and I only wish that there were secretly more stowed away in the depths of the internet and I will one day find it.
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