The Dotted Line (2011 TV Movie)
"Fly on the Wall" look at the less glamorous side of agents
3 April 2013
I'm not a huge Morgan Spurlock fan. In retrospect, "Super Size Me" is a silly premise and I certainly don't subscribe to his Michael Moore-esque anti-corporate message.

That being said, Mr. Spurlock made the brave choice by focusing on Eugene Lee, an agent who tries to lock up the lower-rung of NFL clients. We're talking 5th, 6th, and 7th round prospects where commissions pay in the four-figure range.

There is something off about Eugene Lee, but he seems to do things the right way, albeit with little results He also goes to the opposite end of the spectrum, to David Faulk, Michael Jordan's agent. Mr. Faulk is impressive how he details the weaknesses in agents today and how they are intimidated by clients.

Finally, Josh Luchs brings us to the shady side of being a sports agent. He shows us how he prospected for players and how the NCAA and colleges turn a blind eye to these practices.

The lesson is every agent cheats to some degree.
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