I've heard a lot of stuff about Derren Brown: Apocalypse (mostly people saying Steven had to be an actor because it all seemed too forced or 'acted') and wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so decided to give it a watch. Im halfway through the second half now and I would have to agree that I think it is probably all completely fake, and by that I mean that I think it is all scripted, including Steven. There are points where I think it could be his actual reactions and then points - I say points, but this is actually most of the show - where I cringe at how badly it is made to look real rather than it being real, or at least thats how I feel - I might just be thinking this because of what others have told me. The bit that started to make me think this more is *Spoiler alert:Look away now!* is in the second half when Ian leaves the compound to go with Sarah and Derren says through the earpieces to Danny and Leona to stand back and see if Steven will take charge, and as soon as he says this, literally a second after, Steven completely changes and fires ahead. This could be real, I don't know, but from what we see of Steven at the beginning I don't think he would have this reaction so quickly after someone he has come to trust and rely on effectively kills himself. I know they have a time scale to work to but I still think that in that situation, he wouldn't have jumped straight into things - but maybe something will happen further on in the episode that changes my opinion of this. So far Im not that interested in it to be honest, Im purely watching it because there had been times in the past when I have commented on a show based on others opinions of it or based on the trailers for it, and I want to be able to say 'actually I watched it and this is what I thought.' So yeah. Let me know what you thought; is Steven an actor? or was he actually 'living' this for real?