One of the Best!
24 December 2012
With a screenplay by Talbot "Carry On" Rothwell and a cast of stars as long as your arm, this 96 minutes musical extravaganza -- delightfully filmed in Eastman Color and a CinemaScope-compatible anamorphic process called CameraScope -- is not only a sheer delight from start to finish, but a real credit to Britain's pioneer director, Maurice Elvey. With so many great acts to choose from, it's hard to single out the very best, but I would certainly go for the top stars, Nat Jackley and Pat Kirkwood. Hubert Gregg and Joan Sims are also delightful. Even Bonar Colleano (not one of my favorites by any means) and Dorothy Squires impress.

Add to the cast: Rosemary Treston as a television announcer, and Marianne Lincoln as a blonde. Gladys Henson plays "Bessie". The movie went into general release in the U.K. on March 16, 1957, A Grand Alliance production, it was distributed in the U.K. by British Lion.

"Stars In Your Eyes" is one of the very, very few films that my colleague, F. Maurice Speed, who prided himself on reviewing (or noticing) every new film trade-shown in London, missed. However, perhaps it could be argued that "Stars In Your Eyes" is not so much a movie but a filmed variety show. It's certainly a "must" for Nat Jackley fans.
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