Well filmed & edited, with amazing shots of the beauty of St Louis, you get to see real people; a real family struggle to make it. You may see yourself & your own family in this one. It encourages you to ask the question; what would I do in that situation? By watching this family overcome their challenges, you may find the answer to how to handle something in your own life, may have your faith renewed or learn a pearl of wisdom from Miss Robbie. The members of this family are captivating, creative, funny & do many surprising things just being themselves. No screen writer can create such full & rich people as these. PS: if you ever go to St Louis, check out the restaurants because the food is to die for!
Review of Welcome to Sweetie Pie's
Welcome to Sweetie Pie's
(2011– )
Excellent show that shows what family is all about!
26 December 2012