In the words of Admiral Ackbar of Star Wars fame...
30 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...it's a trap! I accidentally rented this 'film' instead of Prometheus due to the name similarity. In years past, I was a big fan of the Alien films. Sadly, The Prometheus Trap bares little to no resemblance to the science fiction epics that came before it. If I had the capability to go back in time and un-watch this film, then I would undoubtedly do so.


I did not specifically reject the plot, but I did conflict with the fact that it bore little to no resemblance to any of the preceding Alien franchise films.


C-list stars at best, people pulled off of the street and given $100 for their day's work at worst.

**Production value**

Poor. This film would have sorely benefited from at least one special effects person. It would seem that all of the special effects were produced by a 15 year old with a pirated copy of 3DS max.


1.) There are no aliens. 2.) The film is literally the rehashing of a single scene over and over and, rather painfully, over again. 3.) It is painful to watch the entire film. Save yourself the burden.
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