Review of Kumki

Kumki (2012)
Disappointment overwhelms the amazement
3 January 2013
Kumki was both disappointing and amazing. But If I have to talk about the overall experience, I must say the disappointment over whelms the amazement.

If you are going for this movie expecting that it's a story about a kumki elephant (a trained elephant that's used to scare away even herds of wild, savage, forest elephants) you are going to be disappointed. There was this 5 minute scene where an experienced rider coaches the main character about the bond between the rider and the elephant. About how the will power of the rider fuels the will of the elephant. About how the courage of the rider gives courage to the elephant (sounds avatar-ish, but true). I was so waiting for this throughout the movie. But disappointingly, the whole movie is more about the bond between the main character and his tribal love interest whom he keeps oogling at from a distance while she merrily frolics in the paddy fields.

What's amazing about this move is the cinematography. Many shots in the movie especially those in the songs "ayyayyayyo aanandame", "sollitaale ava kaadale", "soi soi" are breath taking. Gave me goose bumps.

So if want to walkthrough an art gallery of some stunning landscape shots, I mean really stunning shots, go watch the movie, you will be impressed.
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