OK, remind me again what film school(if any) this crew graduated from, because I'd like to add it to my Do-Not-Attend list. I'd be akin to forgiving them for the terrible graphics, but not for the boring, confusing, drawn out, strange, and extremely uninteresting storyline. If you're going to make your mark in the filming world, at least try to be a little ambitious, regardless of your budget. And calling this title 'Kiara The Brave' during the same year that 'Brave' came out is a great way to get yourself listed as a ripoff artist. You shouldn't have to fool people into watching your film because they've mistaken it for the real thing. That's a sure sign of poor creativity. I thought I'd give this a chance, because I could certainly do without the fancy graphics had the movie at least held my attention. It did not, and now I'll be placing this film to the back of my memory, hopefully to be forgotten forever. Do not watch this movie unless you're a Prof. at a film school using it as an example of how NOT to make an animated flick.