Four years after the original French release of this adult animated feature, this movie arrived in the US with some cuts and new dialogue written by a couple of "Saturday Night Live" staffers: Michael O'Donoghue and Anne Beatts. Many of the cast from that show were involved with the voices: John Belushi, Bill Murray, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Christopher Guest though the last one had joined the show several years later. I was initially highly amused by many of the blatant imagery concerning certain body parts and some of the dialogue about lack of sexual power concerning Shame and June, but the meandering nature of the narrative and not-so-clever wordplay among the characters just threatened to bring things down to a bore for me. Oh, and I also wasn't crazy about the pointless cameos by Tintin and his dog Snowy. The animation was interesting throughout, however, and I did like the clever disco music that was played in some sequences. So on that note, Shame of the Jungle is at the least worth a look.
Review of Tarzoon, la honte de la jungle
The US version of Shame of the Jungle leaves a lot to be desired but is worth at least one look
28 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers