I've read a lot of negative comments & seen this movie rated quite poorly, I have to totally disagree. Most importantly, you MUST be a fan of found footage movies to enjoy this film, if you're not - forget it & go watch something else! Yes, at first it comes across as a little derivative of Blair witch, but there is far more to this movie than that. It starts quite slowly, building up that unsettling & creepy feeling that something isn't quite right with the camping trip. The character behind the camera comes across as manipulative and uncaring, a borderline sociopath. As his world starts to unravel, so does his mind and he becomes a real danger to his companions. Part way through, all hell breaks loose, the action ramps up and the campers are plunged into a living hell. The Actors all play their parts well & are believable. The plot is well thought out with unexpected twists and some great shocks & scares. Most importantly for me, this movie does NOT treat you like an idiot, you are left to work out a lot of what is going on yourself. Plenty of times you'll be asking yourself "WTF just happened?" and that's a GOOD thing! I hate it when directors feel they have to explain every little thing to you, like you're stupid! In short, it's Blair Witch meets Chernobyl Diaries, with plenty of genre originality in there too. If you liked either of those movies, you'll like this - I have no hesitation giving it 7 stars.