Routine sequel
11 August 2013
"Vabank 2" is a sequel that follows the formula of the first movie . It's not strange that in the end the movie isn't as half surprising or funny as the original . It's more predictable and there aren't any interesting new characters . It seems that Machulski (writer and director ) has run out of ideas . The movie is quite surprising in the first 40 minutes . Later , it goes into standard and predictable territory : a bait , a trap and a repeat of the final of first movie.

Still it's an OK sequel . There are some good jokes here . The music is as elegant and catchy as before and acting is still good . I would only complain about performance of Jacek Chmielnik (Moks) . He's overacting so much that I was annoyed every time he was on screen. In his defense he signs really well the Vabank song that appears here. The song is really cool and to be honest that's the only really new element here.

It's no match for the first one , but still a watchable sequel. By the way , IMDb is wrong. This movie was made in 1984 , not 1985.I give it 5/10.
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