As an anthology, Sinister Visions is a pretty eclectic mix. The main novelty of the collection is that each film represents a different country. But an interesting connection is also that each film deals with the objectification, victimization, and ultimately power of women. In 'Succubus' its obvious the succubus is the strong dangerous female; 'My Undead Girlfriend' really builds on objectification (he uses her in order to impress her parents despite the fact she's a zombie and will likely eat them all), 'Mother Knows Best' borders on Norman Bates quality mommy issues, 'A Woman Scorned' is, again, pretty obvious – its an ex gets revenge on the current torture/punishment film; and 'Genital Genocide' goes the extra mile with blatant exploitation of everything in the mind of a sadistic serial killer. So though the films deal with different subject matter (succubus, zombies, etc) there is a thread that combines them other than the semi-innocuous title. Also the opportunity for sequels is endless. I do hope to see more volumes, from all over the world, in the near future.~ the Creepercast