A bad director can ruin a film despite the cast and crews best efforts.
The casting was good as regard the main characters but the hot lesbians, whilst pleasing to the eye did the film no favours. I suspected that they were a later addition to spice up what was a rather stilted, poorly directed and edited movie, but it just served to spoil the film further(and this is a straight guy speaking). Anyway, I gathered that this was filmed on a low budget, however the camera work was very good. I am no stranger to film sets so I tend to notice little things. The railway line location they were principally using was disused, obviously so with all the rust, weeds and fallen deadwood. A coat of oil on top of the rails would have covered the rust and given the impression of recent use. An hour weeding, clearing the fallen twigs and uncovering the sleepers would have completed the impression that it was still in use and not just a defunct line to some old sawmill. Brendan Fehr has let himself go since Roswell days. The baggy shirts don't disguise this unfortunately and he walks like someone out of shape too. What would a gorgeous girl like Amelia really find attractive in a back woods short order chef who is his own best customer? Chad Lindberg is not a bad actor but his part smacked of just one take being enough to satisfy Mr A.D. Calvo.
Remake it with a new scriptwriter, with roles for Natassia and Beatrice that contribute to the story. Send Brendan to the gym for three hours a day for a month, and don't let A.D. Calvo direct it again.
The casting was good as regard the main characters but the hot lesbians, whilst pleasing to the eye did the film no favours. I suspected that they were a later addition to spice up what was a rather stilted, poorly directed and edited movie, but it just served to spoil the film further(and this is a straight guy speaking). Anyway, I gathered that this was filmed on a low budget, however the camera work was very good. I am no stranger to film sets so I tend to notice little things. The railway line location they were principally using was disused, obviously so with all the rust, weeds and fallen deadwood. A coat of oil on top of the rails would have covered the rust and given the impression of recent use. An hour weeding, clearing the fallen twigs and uncovering the sleepers would have completed the impression that it was still in use and not just a defunct line to some old sawmill. Brendan Fehr has let himself go since Roswell days. The baggy shirts don't disguise this unfortunately and he walks like someone out of shape too. What would a gorgeous girl like Amelia really find attractive in a back woods short order chef who is his own best customer? Chad Lindberg is not a bad actor but his part smacked of just one take being enough to satisfy Mr A.D. Calvo.
Remake it with a new scriptwriter, with roles for Natassia and Beatrice that contribute to the story. Send Brendan to the gym for three hours a day for a month, and don't let A.D. Calvo direct it again.