Review of Antiviral

Antiviral (2012)
Celebrity obsession taken to an unbelievable extreme
3 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind an intelligent horror film which, given a positive review I saw, is why I watched this. If you accept the premise that people can be so star-struck as to want to endure sickness, pain, physical ugliness, even death, then this not-so-futuristic story is believable.

Not to me.

Celebrity worship is all about believing the illusion of beauty, popularity, fashion, lifestyle.

I just don't accept there will ever be enough poor souls out there, prepared to make themselves sick and ugly, to finance a huge corporation sustained by celebrity virus banks. Also there's a bleak, white, unrelenting sterility to this film that made it impossible me to care what happened to anyone.

But it was well acted. Also, there's a few plot twists that kept me watching all the way to a very sick ending.

I think it would be more credible for extreme fans to buy celebrity fertiliser. Why let all that ".. somehow more than human" faeces and urine go to waste...? Shouldn't be a stretch to make a nasty film out of that!
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