Redemption (I) (2013)
Jason Statham Shines as a serious Actor
30 June 2013
Just finished watching "Redemption"/Hummingbird" and was most impressed with this movie as entertainment,I knew nothing about it except my favorite"Action Man"Jason Statham was in it so that was enough to gain my interest and I was not disappointed however it was a movie not in the usual style I expected of Jason Statham,after I got past the first fifteen minutes started to seriously get into the story. I won't go on with with all the details of the Plot,if you have taken the trouble to read my review you will know that information. This is a movie for anyone who enjoys good Drama/action with a small hint of romance and revenge also some redemption thrown in almost at the end, there I think I covered it all,was also impressed with Agata Buzek a new actress to me who is now on my Radar,her character of "Cristina" the Nun was very believable.I gave this film a seven because I enjoyed and was entertained which is why one goes to the movies.......
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