Review of Dark Feed

Dark Feed (2013)
Yes, it was dark...
4 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers in the lighting, but all it feeds an audience is boredom, frustration--mostly in the form of numerous lovely women, none of whom reveal a significant inch of naughty bits, never mind the one who dies taking a shower; unforgivable in a make-work film like this--and did I mention boredom? Yes, I did, and that's what this quickie is all about: a few unfulfilled promises and tons of unrelenting boredom. The cast mostly sleepwalks through their paces, the direction is perfunctory at best, and as is always the case in misfires like this one, the script is leaden and uninspired. Who rationally puts up the money for pap like this, and why? Completely dispensable and as good an illustration of Sturgeon's Revelation as any. Do yourself a favor and avoid.
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