Thirst (1998 TV Movie)
13 July 2013
THIRST is probably the most boring movie called THIRST. It's a wannabe-environmental disaster movie that would like to be thought of in the same breath as OUTBREAK, except as a small-budgeted TV movie it's lacking in every respect and just doesn't pass muster as a thriller.

The major problem with this film is that it's so boring! A plot about an outbreak of deadly bacteria in a small town's water supply has the potential for much incident and high drama, but instead the writers (and there are too many of them) strive to make this as mundane as possible. Scenes of people dying from poisoned water are filmed in such a hokey way that I was laughing at them, as cruel as that sounds.

The acting is routine and the characters even more routine, and have seemingly been picked out of a box of stereotypes. There's the heroic engineer character, who wouldn't you know it is a loving family man on the side; his glamorous wife, who happens to be a crusading doctor on the side; the evil mayor, who ignores warnings and does all in his power to cover everything up. And so it goes on.

There's barely no drama, no characters to like or care about, nothing that hasn't been paraded out a zillion times already. In fact, there's no reason to like THIRST, as even by the shoddy standards of made-for-TV disaster movies it's a real timewaster.
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