Apartments don't kill people. Boredom kills people...
21 July 2013
Another one of those "let's make a foreign movie into a Hollywood version", and yet again, as with so many other such attempts, it failed and was put to shame by the original.

Given the fact that the original Japanese "Apartment 1303" wasn't particularly much to write home about, then you would think that director Michael Taverna would have it nice and easy here to make it into a better remake. You would think so! But wow, this American version of "Apartment 1303" turned out to be even worse and more boring than the original Japanese version.

The storyline is essentially the same as in the Japanese version, a woman movies into an apartment that is haunted by something sinister because of a tragic event that took place in the self same apartment.

This American version of "Apartment 1303" was nowhere even remotely near being scary or spooky in the least bit. And it was a rather pointless and dull experience to sit through. I had initially hoped that Rebecca DeMornay would be able to lift up the movie even just a bit, but that proved not to be the case, as she wasn't given much to work with in this movie.

Some times it is better to not meddle with original versions of movies, and just leave them to what they initially were and are. I strongly suggest that you watch the Japanese version of "Apartment 1303" if you absolutely have to watch this story. However, be warned, you are not in for much of an improvement.
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