Percy (1971)
A sweet movie
24 July 2013
I agree with all who describe this film as poorly marketed. I'm not however sure what the correct marketing would be! The movie begins as a bawdy comedy and eventually becomes a rather sweet tale of people in pursuit of love, or a least a respite from loneliness or simple boredom. Some nice characters played by British stalwarts including Graham Crowden and Sheila Steafal. Cyd Hayman is stunning and charming in equal degree. Hywel Bennet is as reliable as always. Seems to be one of those films where a slightly confused script just seems to work. However my real weakness for this movie is that it captures London at the time beautifully. Like a swinging sixties movies (though released 1971 so presumably filmed 70 or 71) it catches the mood. Catch it if you can.
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