Femme Fatales (2011–2012)
cool show
15 January 2014
Finally caught up with this show after a few of my friends told me it was really good. Given it was a show on Cinemax, I didn't' really have any high expectations, but after downloading a few episodes from Amazon I was really surprised. The thing that caught my eye immediately was how good the show looked. Like classic crime thrillers from the 40s, it had a very unique style and some of the same kind of dialogue you expect in an old classic pulp film. Although the twist endings were usually surprising and cool, the thing that really grabbed me was the way characters moved in between episodes giving it the feel of a shared universe in a comic book. And there is even a comic book episode at the end of season 2 which was a ton of fun. For the most part, there are also some really strong performances and memorable femme fatales or femmes fatales, more accurately. There is a dark nihilistic quality to the show that I personally liked and it combines darkness and hmor in the way of a Breaking Bad does. I probably watched about 10 episodes so far and I liked them all, some I loved. The requisite women in prison episode is really a great homage to the 70s classics and the lead performances are all very engaging and the twist totally caught me by surprise. The second episode, Something Like Murder, feels like it came right out of the 1940s, if it weren't for some very sexy and beautifully photographed love scenes with an incredible twist at the end. But as soon as I thought I had this show pegged, it threw a change up with the antic Speed Date, a delightfully wacky screwball comedy with Girlfriends Reggie Hayes who's hysterical as a befuddled dating fraud. It's just a wonderful mash-up of some of my favorite movies. I also enjoyed The Clinic which featured Angus Scrimm, one of my favorite horror actors and The White Flower which had another great twist ending and one of the sexiest femme fatales in the entire series, Tina Casciani. I've only just started watching the second year of the show, other than skipping ahead to the comic book episode because I couldn't help myself. So far the episodes that have been even better and each one has had some of my favorite character actors like Chris Mulkey and Eric Roberts who are in two of the standouts so far. I also really liked Vivica Fox in the Femme Fatales goes to college episode and there's a strange sci-fi episode that feels like an old 70s TV series, the old evil twin chestnut, which got a neat spin, although it wasn't one of my favorites. All in all, I highly recommend the show and am looking forward to watching the rest and may even have to subscribe to Cinemax to watch the third season when it airs.
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