**CAUTION** --SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!-- **CAUTION** Okay, first thing I wanna say is I actually liked this movie. Production value sucked balls, but the story was actually fun to follow. It borrowed heavily from RPG's. Right down to the random battles just appear to the defeated just fading away to getting rewards and leveling up for the characters. This is a nice departure from other action/fantasy movies. Jason David Frank is by no means an Oscar Award caliber actor, but he was one of the more believable characters as "The One Warrior." Dominic Keating as "Merlin" and the voice of the Dragon was top notch... probably the best actor in the whole movie. Everyone else's performances seemed very forced. Brent Henry's portrayal of "Brutus" was very underwhelming in terms of dialog. Edward Saint Pe' barely gave the impression of being the villain. I laughed through most of their scenes. The "Lady of the Forest," however wasn't too bad, but when you first see her she has an English accent and later on it's all gone. The visual effects was not the greatest... the amateur fan films "Mega Man" and "Sonic the Hedgehog" by Eddie Lebron does a better job than this film with a bigger budget, you really have to think about how much effort was put into it. (by the way, check those movies out... they are really good) That's not to say that all effects were bad, some were actually pretty cool. I imagine that if The Dragon Warrior (The One Warrior) was given the Hollywood treatment, it would have been amazing. Anyways, the fight choreography was horrid. Jason Frank was a highly skilled martial artist, he could have made the fighting look so much better. The one thing that threw me for a loop was the final minutes of the movie. I won't say what it was, but all I could do is laugh and shout "REALLY!?!?!?! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?!?!?!???!?!?!?" I have great respect to filmmakers. I am more inclined to watch low budget films and amateur films because there is more heart in them than most Hollywood films. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because of the story and how divergent it was from the traditional action/fantasy genre.