I like movies and TV shows about women's sports. I just do. For every thirty or forty men's sports shows and movies we are lucky if there is even one about women's sports, and that number is even worse if you look at how many of each gender's real sports are on TV. So I had big hopes for this show. It's not great like I thought Bend it like Beckham was but it's a good enough show to waste some time on. The acting is OK, not bad but not great, about standard for what you would expect of a show like this. The stories are obviously predictable like the other reviewer said but when is any young adult or sports show ever not predictable any more? Forget that just TV shows in general are predictable, so good luck finding a lot that aren't. I played soccer myself so I was eager to jump into this but the sporting action isn't very real and not a very big part of the show. But like I said that might be because I was a bit too involved with the sport. It's a fine show to check out if you can find it anywhere on DVD.