Dead Genesis (2010)
The nadir of the zombie genre
28 January 2014
Another rubbish no-budget zombie film that makes you wish that the genre had died a death for real. This one tries a slightly different approach to the genre than usual, which means we get some harmless and over-obvious philosophising and moralising along with the cheesy gore effects and repetitive zombie attacks. But whatever way you look at it, this is a mindless shot-in-the-woods outing no better than the equally poor NAZI ZOMBIES.

The slimline plot sees a would-be reporter infiltrating a group of zombie hunters who are camped out in the local woods. These guys call themselves Dead Heads, which I thought was a nickname for fans of the EVIL DEAD movies, which gives some inkling of the paucity of imagination on offer here. What follows is badly-scripted, with flat, boring characters every which way you look, and "direction" which consists of somebody shaking the camera about in a cinema verite style. Don't get me started on the amateur hour acting or other poor technical qualities; instead, skip this one entirely and try something else.
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