Like "Triumph of the Will" before it, "The F Word" doesn't even pretend to objectivity. It puts its writer's chiliasm in shameless display, representing bigotry and a really dangerous degree of political extremism as normal and desirable, when any thinking human being knows otherwise.
Jed Weintrob gives it all away when he has his main character ask how the Republicans would dare show their faces in the most liberal city in the country. You get the idea that he's deeply disappointed now that Obama hasn't built concentration camps to put conservatives in, now that the United States is run by the man most influenced by Weintrob's own brand of leftism of any US President in history.
All Americans ought to watch "The F Word" in Civics class for the same reason the Army used to make recruits watch "training films" - to acquaint everyone with exactly how bigoted and violent liberals really are.
By writing a movie for his co-religionists, Jed Weintrob has also exposed their intolerance and exclusivity to everyone else.
Future generations will regard this movie as a classic of the art of propaganda, out-classing "Triumph of the Will" in its ability to manipulate the weak-minded.
Perhaps a better title for this turkey would be "Jedi Mind Tricks."
Jed Weintrob gives it all away when he has his main character ask how the Republicans would dare show their faces in the most liberal city in the country. You get the idea that he's deeply disappointed now that Obama hasn't built concentration camps to put conservatives in, now that the United States is run by the man most influenced by Weintrob's own brand of leftism of any US President in history.
All Americans ought to watch "The F Word" in Civics class for the same reason the Army used to make recruits watch "training films" - to acquaint everyone with exactly how bigoted and violent liberals really are.
By writing a movie for his co-religionists, Jed Weintrob has also exposed their intolerance and exclusivity to everyone else.
Future generations will regard this movie as a classic of the art of propaganda, out-classing "Triumph of the Will" in its ability to manipulate the weak-minded.
Perhaps a better title for this turkey would be "Jedi Mind Tricks."