"...in the Goodbye" is a quote that becomes meaningful when one sees this great short movie. The superb acting by Alexa Yeames, Vanelle, and the rest of the cast carried out the writer's intent of a short drama that leaves you surprised, amazed. and wanting more. The first six and a half minutes is an unbroken scene in which the actors and crew move from room to room without a single cut or edit, where all the characters in this movie intermingle with tense dialog while the story unfolds. John Foutz did a fantastic job shooting this extended scene and helping choreograph the movement of actors and crew from an upstairs landing and through several rooms. Writer and Director, Dexter Goad, produced a work of art, packing an intriguing story into a few short minutes. And I'm not saying that just because he is my Son.
Review of In the Goodbye
In the Goodbye
A wonderful story told in a short amount of time by some amazing people.
27 March 2014