Review of Mud

Mud (2012)
Good effort but does not deliver
10 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The story for this film had a lot of potential to me but as the story develops I lost interest due to the flaws of the plot. Things in the movie that aren't believable...starting of that with the help of only two kids a boat can be brought down from trees. How the two kids are able to obtain everything needed to do this and then haul it to the island where Matthew's character is hiding. At the Beginning of the movie they made seem as it took a long time to get to the place where the boat is mounted up in the trees. Also when one of the main characters punches an older kid for touching a girls behind does nothing and just takes the punch as he is surrounded by his older friends as well. I know that this is a movie and such things should be taken lightly at times but not when flaws in the story are this obvious or at least somehow explained by making sense. 5 stars because it had me waiting wanting to know what was going to happen with the characters and a well acted movie.
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