The Impressionists (2006–2007)
8 November 2013
The exacting, faithful detail of the artists portrayed is a clear statement of love and admiration for Monet, Manet, Renoir, et al. My hat is off to BBC for having gone full-in. The lighting and sensitivity to future masterpieces in progress are brilliantly crafted. It was engaging and informative and shed light (that word) on aspects of the artists' lives my own reading had not provided. Here's an occasion I feel the big screen would have failed. These three precious hours of intimacy are a benchmark BBC should be proud of. I am amazed here in Greater Vancouver not to have heard of this production, seen it advertised on local TV or coming soon to PBS. I stumbled upon it on the shelves of movies in my community library in Coquitlam BC. Bravo!
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