The Moaning of Life (2013–2015)
More Musings from Karl
23 October 2013
I was a big fan of the Idiot Abroad series and was super thrilled to see that Karl is back. This time he is fumbling his way around the world learning about different cultural rites of passage like marriage. I enjoy how Karl views the world. He is unabashedly himself and is naturally hilarious. He questions why we do things like have a big marriage ceremony - is it really necessary? What is the point of pomp and circumstance for merely a moment in time? Karl is a philosopher of this generation. No doubt about it. I'm a huge fan and appreciate him in all his cranky glory. Ricky Gervais was a genius in discovering Karl and introducing him to the world. He truly is unique in today's very artificial culture of celebrity fandom. Karl cuts through the bs and says what a lot of us are thinking.
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