I have previewed The Two Pamela's and can only write glowingly of it. It is like a throwback to films of the past. It just has a look and feel of a post World War II mystery. Interesting characters and a plot that is uncomfortable and yet compelling to watch. The opening credits paying homage to past film noir actors and actresses was very well done and clever. It was a reminder of the greats we have lost and the high standards that they have set for todays thespians! The acting was on spot and it was refreshing to see a movie where the actors were not mumbling and whispering their lines. One of my great aggravations of todays "actors". The score was perfect. Not over powering but noticeable where needed. The camera work and color really set the mood for this drama. The movie is visually wow! Congratulations to Hathcock for an outstanding directing job. His directing showed his love and appreciation of fine movie making.