Satisfaction (2013)
Bad Acting Drags It Down
22 November 2013
The acting in this show was really bad. I didn't believe these characters or why they would for some reason live together. Why would this couple want to live with a guy who is a total loser, who steals from them, who has no job even though he is old enough he should own his own house by now. I don't understand it. There is no logic to follow in this show. The two guys who live next door were bad too. We are supposed to like and laugh at a guy just because he's mentally retarded and make no mistake about it the way this character was in the show they were definitely saying he was mentally handicapped and we are supposed to laugh at his mental problems. Very funny that he burns himself with coffee I guess? What happened to writing good shows with good characters and having real actors play those characters? The other guy neighbour was also just an idiot. The guy from This hour has 22 minutes who has never been funny and can't act why would you put him on your show? Aren't there more than five actors in Canada? Can none of them be funny? What happened to stuff like Twitch City and Kids in the hall? The show was not as bad as most comedy they make on Canadian channels but the acting really hurt it. Sometimes it seemed like what I was seeing would have been really funny if the actors and characters had been better or more real for lack of a better word. Anyway it doesn't matter since I hear this was cancelled before just putting in my thoughts.
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