A fine comedic show, with not-too-sarcastic a take on relationships, family issues and other urban quirks, with smart humor, a quick pace, memorable characters and good acting. So why is it neglected and not widely distributed or commented, even here on IMDb? Think of it as a Brazilian and more contemporary variant of 'Gilmore Girls': witty and 'amorously challenged' leading lady - check, quirky sidekicks (male and female) - check, a bit ambivalent relationship with her mother - check (though much more lighter than Lorelai vs. Emily), young, smart and more sensible daughter - check (yet younger than Rory and not Graca's). If you can imagine quirky Kirk (he, he) as 'Lorelai''s ex... Not knowing the real Brazilian lifestyle, I can't confirm the thorough authenticity of this show, as it has indeed several moments with a certain American feel (or is that mandatory for comedies aspiring to success these days?). Anyway, it's nice to watch, at least for its (auto)ironic style and witty script.