Below average martial arts movie
11 December 2013
"Day of the Panther" is a kind of movie you don't see every day - a martial arts movie from Australia. Though watching it will probably reveal why there haven't been that many more martial arts movies coming from that country. In fairness to the movie, there are some positive features. The martial art sequences, while not as fancy as those from Hong Kong movies, do manage to generate some excitement, and at the same time come across as more believable than usual. And while the actors in the movie aren't that great actors, the actors playing the protagonists do come across as likable all the same. However, the movie does all the same have some serious problems. The movie obviously had a low budget, with the general look of movie looking somewhat tacky. The screenplay has assorted plot turns that you will have seen in dozens of other movies before, and has the various characters coming across the same way as well. And the middle of the movie is a long dull stretch. However, I will say this movie all the same is far from the worst martial arts movies I have managed to see.
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