Review of Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars (2014)
It's Never as Good as the First Time
4 August 2014
Excuse the use of the Sade song title, but it really sums up my feelings about this film. I wanted to like it, I really did. I liked the TV show, and even contributed to the Kickstarter campaign. I'm not sure what I expected, but what we got was basically a 2 hour TV reunion show (2 hours if you had commercials, the film is only 105 minutes).

In 10 years, the residents of Jupiter have gotten older, but not smarter or wiser. And, sadly, even though all of the actors expressed great enthusiasm for the project, they all seem a little tired. They're happy for the pay checks, but in the end, they are rehashing the same characters, with the same emotions and the same actions as 10 years ago. Kristen Bell always brought that world-weary sense of cynicism to Veronica Mars, even when she was playing a high school detective. Now she just seems weary. I would much rather watch her in 'House of Lies', where that more grown up cynicism shines.

Bottom line is we should all have just moved on, and let our memories of the TV show remain intact. This was not an elegant ending of a good show, but a sad reminder of what we once liked and enjoyed.
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